#2 – Technological 

        1.  Search the internet and other sources and list the different types of technology that may be found in autonomous vehicles (include at least one more option than those listed above). Describe each technology in 1-2 sentences, and include at least one web link.

⇒Ultrasonic sensor

An Ultrasonic sensor is a device that can measure the distance to an object by using sound waves. It measures distance by sending a sound wave and its bouncing back.

⇒Adopted headlight

An Adaptive headlight can be move the lighting way depends on the curve automatically.


New electronics

http://www.newelectronics.co.uk/electronics-technology/an-introduction-to-ultrasonic-sensors-for-vehicle-parking/24966/ 2017.05.10 access

http://education.rec.ri.cmu.edu/content/electronics/boe/ultrasonic_sensor/1.html 2017.05.10


  1.  Select one type of technology and look at it in greater detail. How is it currently being used? What are its benefits and drawbacks? What is its future potential? Don’t forget to include references to any sources you may have used.

⇒Ultrasonic wave sensor.

In these days, it is being used for automatic door, Automatic water supply, and automatic lighting. It can be very small and miniaturization. That is why it is easy to use in the small devices. It does not hurt our body if we use in appropriately. This technology has the potential to use in an emergency like when the building is completely destroyed by the earthquake or tsunami. When the disaster victims can not be found in the destroyed buildings, the Self-Defense Forces of Japan(SDF) can not use the machine. If they can use Ultrasonic wave sensor, it would be easier to find victims who are can not be seen by people.

https://www.honda-el.co.jp/hb/3_33.html  2017.05.10

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